Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 10 East London A2+ Pair memory dictation

Students in pairs had to read a conversation which was outside the class on the wall. They then had to read a sentence remember it and go to tell their partner what it said. They did this until they finished the conversation. Example :

Ss then had to correct the spelling mistakes underlined by the teacher. This activity uses all the four key skills speaking listening reading and writing. Also helps a lot with their spelling. 


  1. As if we look at the final results of functional contests lol

  2. Oh, we did something nice. I love it thank you mr Imran

  3. I benefited through this creative way in diversity between entertainment and education, let's enhance memory

  4. I benefited through this creative way in diversity between entertainment and education, let's enhance memory

  5. The lesson helped me to write some words and learn from mistakes✋

  6. It's important to keep words in your memory for a long time

  7. The hard day , save and talk them .

  8. It helped me to remember how to keep sentence in mind then say it without looking at it .
    Brilliant activity by Mr Imran

  9. We did a great job in this activity, thanks mr imran .
