Thursday, April 14, 2016

Week 11 East London A2+ Presentation on 2 most popular dishes of achosen country!

Students in East London class did their first presentations. The topic was to choose a country and write about the 2 most common dishes eaten in that country. The presentation needed to include a picture of the map of the country and the two dishes. Students also had to include the main ingredients of the two dishes. Students in the class had to include an introduction of themselves and the topic, then the main topic and information. Then end with a conclusion and an ending.

The example I gave them:

Students had to concentrate on doing a good presentation. This included body language, speaking clearly, pointing at pictures and to not be nervous. 


  1. For the first time offers this offer in English I used to be the oldest in the Arabic language was fun and fabulous

  2. It is the first attempt to do that is good

  3. My wish was to provide that the oldest and I have done

  4. My wish was to provide that the oldest and I have done

  5. It's was very nice i like the conversation . I'll be good in the future

  6. Good day for all i think we pass

  7. a nice beginning for presentation
    we waiting week17😍💪
